Wednesday, October 27, 2010

5 Essential Character Traits For Being A Great CNA

Working as a certified nursing assistant, or CNA is a demanding job, and the job suits some people more than it does others. If you're considering training as a CNA and looking to work in one of the many health care opportunities available to those who successfully complete their CNA certification training and exam, then check out our list of 5 essential characteristics below that you should have to be a happy, and successful, CNA.

1. Caring

Goes without saying right? Working as a CNA is all about care, and to be a good CNA you must have a caring nature. Your patients will need your attention, time and patience, and while the job, and some patients, can be incredibly demanding, you always need to remember you are their to help and reassure, and by having a natural instinctive caring and understanding nature you will find you can always cope with any patient situation without getting snappy or angry.

2. Professional

A nursing assistants role can be wide and varied, but at all times your work must maintain a consistent high standard. There is little room for error or mistakes when working as a CNA, and a small oversight or accident can sometimes have huge repercussions, both for you, your patients and your colleagues.

You should have a natural desire to do the job well, and to carry out every task with the utmost professionalism, this way you will always ensure you enjoy your work, have no problems and can relax at the end of each day in the knowledge you did a good job.

3. Easy Going

Of course while being professional and paying attention to detail is of the highest importance, this should not detract from your requirement to be a friendly face and someone anyone, both patients and colleges, can turn to when they need a friendly chat or a sympathetic ear.

By being approachable and friendly you open yourself up to people, and in turn they will be open with you, and thereby give you the opportunity to offer reassuring words, make a difference to their day, and give you a nice warm feeling that you made someone just a little bit happier.

4. Calm Under Pressure

As with many health care roles, a CNA can be be exposed to high stress situations. An essential characteristic of any good nurse, doctor, or CNA, is the ability to remain calm and professional no matter what the situation. On occasion you may encounter circumstances when a patient quickly needs emergency treatment or medication, or the consequences for them can be disastrous, or even fatal.

When these occasions arise you must remain calm, in control and able to perform your duties as part of the team, the patient, and your co-workers will be relying on you to do your job, and to do it effectively you must have a cool head.

5. Hardworking

Last on our list is hard work. Working in any health care job is hard work and working as a CNA is no different. Your days will be busy and much of your time will be spent on your feet. You should be comfortable with sustained hard work, and be prepared to go home at the end of each day happy, but tired. There are few times during your daily work routine that you will be relaxing, and your colleagues will be dependent on you to complete your duties both effectively, and efficiently.

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